Thursday, May 12, 2016

THURSDAY 5/12/16

LEAP into SPRING AT STEM!  What are you doing RIGHT THIS INSTANT to be HAPPY?
Image result for civil war economics before and after
WHY:  ID, EVALUATE and ANALYZE the key political, social and economic turning points.  Compare and contrast treatments of the same even in primary and secondary sources

1.  PADLET:  ID and PREDICT?  How would YOU have changed RECONSTRUCTION? What was the major problem and what was a solution?

2.  RECONSTRUCTION:  The Second Civil War
STATE BY STATE 1870's MAP  What does the DATA SHOW? and WHY? then COMPARE and CONTRAST.

#1 NY vs LA    #2  PA vs TN  #3 NJ vs GA  #4 TX vs CT  #5 OH vs FL #6 KY vs NC

3.  RECONSTRUCTION: The Second Civil War Documentary Continues

REVIEW FOR YOUR FINAL (Tests/Quizzes/Vocab/Main Ideas)

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