Wednesday, May 11, 2016


LEAP into SPRING AT STEM!  What are you doing RIGHT THIS INSTANT to be HAPPY?

WHY:  ID, EVALUATE and ANALYZE the key political, social and economic turning points.  Compare and contrast treatments of the same even in primary and secondary sources

1.  PADLET:  ID and REVIEW: What was the difference between how the NORTH and SOUTH viewed RELIGION during the Civil War

2.  RECONSTRUCTION:  The Second Civil War
In God We Trust  #1 The Black Race is Fit For Servitude  #2 Oh!  You Pale Faced Hypocrites
White Men Unite #3 The First Class Men of Our Town  #4 Proposing Security For Our Future          #5 With The White People Right or Wrong

3.  RECONSTRUCTION: The Second Civil War Documentary Continues

REVIEW FOR YOUR FINAL (Tests/Quizzes/Vocab/Main Ideas)

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