Friday, May 11, 2018

MONDAY 5/14/18

  • CITE specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources
  • COMPARE and CONTRAST treatments of the same topic in sources
  • DRAW evidence from info texts to support analysis, reflection and research
  • ANALYZE key turning points, cause and effect, and multiple causation for events in US History
  • USE historical research to support arguments and interpretations

  • 1.  CHAT IT UP!   ID and EVALUATE:  What is ONE MYTH ABOUT RECONSTRUCTION and (1-5)  WHAT is the CURRENT TRUTH?  Is there one that you find controversial or incorrect?

    2.  AFTERSHOCK: Beyond The Civil War Questions CONTINUED

    3.  RECONSTRUCTION: The Second Civil War: Task Time

    4.  AMERICAN HISTORY 1 FINAL EXAM REVIEW: Released Items 2018  
    Released Items 2016/17   and    Released Items 2014

    RECONSTRUCTION: The Second Civil War Tasks 1,2,3 DUE FRIDAY 5/11
    RECONSTRUCTION: The Second Civil War ALL due TUESDAY 5/15

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