Thursday, October 21, 2021

FRIDAY 10/22/21


HAVE OUT: Google Classroom 


  • CITE specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources

  • COMPARE and CONTRAST treatments of the same topic in sources

  • DRAW evidence from info texts to support analysis, reflection and research

  • ANALYZE key turning points, cause and effect, and multiple causation for events in US History

  • USE historical research to support arguments and interpretations                                                                                            

UNIT 4 THE CRITICAL PERIOD: Confederation, Constitution and Government

1. PADLET: CONNECT and ID: What are 2 CHALLENGES you will have when you become INDEPENDENT from your parents and WHY?

2.  THE CRITICAL PERIOD: Expert Presentations
Task #1 and #2 

MONDAY 10/25/21 THE CRITICAL PERIOD: Expert Presentations Task 2

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